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|====== TITLE.TEMPERATURE1.0|====== SECTION.PROMPTWe’re writing an article about wildfires in English. Give 5 H2 subtitles about the following topic: Understanding the Basics of Wildfires.Please answer in this format:1. [subtitle]2. [subtitle]Example:1. What are Wildfires?2. How do Wildfires Start?|====== SECTION.TEMPERATURE1.0|====== DETAIL.PROMPTWe are writing an article about Understanding the Basics of Wildfires in English. Please rewrite with extra detail the number 3 subsection to have 500 words, use relaxed English language, attach an image after the subheading, and wrap the title of subtopics with
HTML Tag: Wildfire Prevention.Format:[subsection title]
[content]Example:Wildfire Prevention
Wildfire prevention is an essential aspect of wildfire management. Several measures can be taken to prevent wildfires, including reducing fuels, clearing debris, and maintaining fire breaks. Fuels are dry materials that can easily catch fire, such as leaves, twigs, and dead trees. When these fuels accumulate, they can easily ignite and cause wildfires. Therefore, reducing fuels is an effective way of preventing wildfires. This can be done through prescribed burning, thinning forests, and removing dead trees. Clearing debris and maintaining fire breaks are also crucial in preventing wildfires. Debris can easily ignite and cause wildfires, while fire breaks provide a barrier that can prevent the spread of wildfires. |====== DETAIL.TEMPERATURE1.0|====== META.PROMPTPlease help create meta information for an article about “Understanding the Basics of Wildfires” in English.Please answer in this format:Example: |====== META.TEMPERATURE1.0
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